Maharashtra State Chapter of ASI

Travelling Fellowships

The state chapter awards two travelling fellowships in memory of eminent surgeons Late Dr. K. C. Gharpure & Dr. V.R. Chitale.


The basic aim of the fellowship is to promote training of young surgeons practising away from major centres of surgery.


Applicants should be members of the Association of Surgeons of India belonging to Maharashtra State Chapter and below 50 years of age. The application should be sent with the Biodata and indicate areas of surgical interest and centre for training to Honorary Secretary, Maharashtra State Chapter at before 1st January.


The names of the selected candidates will be announced during the General Body Meeting during MASICON.


The candidate is expected to complete the training in the same calendar year and submit the report to Honorary Secretary by 31st December. The certificate and the grant of Rs. 50000.00 (Rs. Fifty thousand only) will be awarded in the General Body Meeting during the next MASICON.

Important information

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