Maharashtra State Chapter of ASI

Association of Surgeons of India
Maharashtra State Chapter
Continuing Medical Education Programme / CME,
- The Faculty for Workshop/ CME is to be finalized in association with EC.
- President of the chapter will Inaugurate the CME
Dr.GM Phadke
- Orator selected by EC
- Oration on the first day of conference morning session
- Complimentary Registration to Orator
- Orator & Spouse should be given accommodation & travel.
- Official plaque & Certificate will be given by the state chapter but additional certificate & memento may be given by Local Organising Committee
- This Oration will be chaired by the Chairman of Organizing Committee of that MASICON and the President of the State Chapter
Dr.KC Gharpure
- Orator selected by EC
- Oration on the second day of conference, morning session
- Complimentary Registration to Orator
- Orator & Spouse should be given accommodation & travel.
- Official plaque & Certificate will be given by the state chapter but additional certificate & memento may be given by Local Organising Committee
- The Oration will be chaired by the Organizing Secretary of that MASICON and Secretary of the State Chapter.
- To be held on day of the CME preferably in the Evening.
- Chief Guest & Guest of Honor to be selected by the Org. Comm. But should be informed to the EC through its Secretary at least 2 weeks in advance.
- The President of ASI should be invited to preside over the function. In his absence or inability The Chapter President will be the presiding officer of the Inauguration ceremony.
- The Sitting arrangements .The following dignitaries should be on the Dias
1. President of ASI (if present)
2. Chief Guest
3. Guest of Honor
4. President of the State Chapter
5. Secretary of State Chapter
6. Treasurer of State Chapter
7. Org. Chairman MASICON
8. Org. Secretary MASICON
9. President of the local Surgical Society/ Heat of the Institute-Dean……
(When the ASI President is not present then Vice President of the chapter will take President Chapter position & President of the chapter will take the position of President ASI.)
10. Executive Committee members should be seated in the back row (if the STAGE ALLOWS), If not then should be seated in the first row with their name tags on the chair.
The programme should be conducted in following manner,
- Dignitaries on the Dias
- Saraswati Vandana/ welcome prayer
- Lightening of Lamp
- Welcome by Org. Chairman or Org.Secretary ( 5 min)
- Secretary of the Chapter announcement of Orators /KC Gharpure fellowship for the year (5 min)
- Award Ceremony at the hands of Chief Guest/President to the best city chapter/ awards to the surgeon who has completed KC Gharpure travel Fellowship
- Guest Speaker ( 10 min)
- President (10 min)
- Chief Guest (10min)
- Thanks by Org.Chairman or Org.Secretary (5 min)
The function should be completed in 1 hrs. Time as far as possible.
GB Meeting.
- Arrangements to be made for conducting GB by Local org. committee
- GB to be held in the main Auditorium of the conference on the first day of the conference before the Banquet.
Valedictory Function etc.
- VF to be conducted by Local org. committee.
- It can be arranged before or after the lunch on the last day.
- The results of best paper/best poster winners are announced & presented with certificate & cheques.
Any last minutes changes should be consulted with President/Secretary of the Chapter.
Important information
Latest Updates
Information about elections to Executive Committee has been updated. Click HERE for details.