Maharashtra State Chapter of ASI

Notice of EC Meeting

All Executive Committee members,
Dear Colleagues,

You are invited for the Executive Committee Meeting of Maharashtra State Chapter of ASI  on –
Saturday, 30th January, 2021 Time :  5.00 PM


Venue :   Through video-conferencing. (Link will be shared soon)



1. Welcome by President in Chair
2. Condolences if any
3. Minutes of the last EC meeting by the Secretary
4. Travelling fellowships for 2021
5. Report of city chapter activities and selection of Best City Chapter Awards
6. Confirmation of MASICON 2022 in Pune.
7. Constitutional amendments
8. Any other matter with permission of the Chair.
9. Vote of Thanks.


Yours Sincerely,

Dr. Satish Dharap Secretary,

Maharashtra State Chapter of ASI.


The PDF is Available HERE.

Important information

Latest Updates

Information about elections to Executive Committee has been updated. Click HERE for details.
